Trusted by 300+ teams

Manage all your patients on one sleek platform

With all your data in one place, track patients' journey, automate billing and communicate directly with your patients in-system. It's that easy!
You'll be able to :
Coordinate with your patients
Submit insurance claims
Track patients progress
Store all medical records

Happy Customers

Streamline your sales and keep your customers happy with shortened response times and no missed opportunities.

100% data security

All your customer data is safe with our advanced security protocol

Track sentiment

Our response management tool automatically tracks customer sentiment

Patient Relationship Management platform

Here's what our customers say

Faster Responses
Increase in ARR
"I can't believe how much easier Unicorns made our lives. We're saving so much time with their automated tracking!"
See case study
Increase Revenue
Customer Productivity
“Before 2020, we sent a few email blasts with MailChimp here and there, but it wasn’t a focus. Once we shifted away from retail-only sales to eCommerce sales”
See case study
Increase Revenue
Customer Productivity
“Before 2020, we sent a few email blasts with MailChimp here and there, but it wasn’t a focus. Once we shifted away from retail-only sales to eCommerce sales”
See case study

Patient Journey Starts Here

Trusted by thousands of users worldwide, iPRM allows you to manage your patients' treatment notes, invoices, build automation and so much more! Completely online with simple interface from your desktop, mobile or tablet.

Complete patient record

Everything you need to manage your patients journey
iPRM provides a complete patient management record with abilities to customise layouts and add custom fields.

Billing and insurance claims

Manage billing with ease
Track and manage your patients bills and insurance claims with a comprehensive, easy to use tools.

Reporting and analytics

Track everything you need
iPRM allows you to build custom reports or choose from pre-built templates, Track performance and growth over time and get insight into your patients' health.

Built in automation

Automate your workflow
With the HILCS engine, you can automate repetitive tasks so you can concentrate on what matters most with our easy to use drag and drop rules engine.

Alerts and reminders

Never miss a beat
Manage by exception and deal with important matters. The system will alert you based on your automation rules only when it needs your attention.

Connect +300 Apps

Integrations out-of-the-box
Gone are the days where you have to spend time and source development efforts to connect systems together. With the built in HILCS engine.

Seamless integration with all the right tools

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